All press releases and news releases need to be search-engine optimized. Much has been written on this topic, but the best single piece I've seen is Rob Garner's Yes, You Should Still Optimize Press Releases. Rob brings all of the elements together in one excellent, concise post. Among Rob's tips:
- Include popular keyword and keyword phrases in the release summary, or the secondary release heading.
- Reinforce the major keyword theme in the body of the release. Once again, what works for optimizing Web pages goes for releases as well.
- Include the company URL in the first paragraph, after the company name.
Rob's post has ten tips like these—very much worth not only reading, but printing out and hanging where you'll see it every time you write a new press or news release.
Finally, promote your releases directly to your market through outreach to influential industry bloggers, an online distribution service such as PRWeb, and through tagging on social media sites.
Contact Tom Pick: tomATwebmarketcentralDOTcom
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