lundi 24 septembre 2007

New on WMC: Guide to Web-Based B2B Lead Generation Programs

The web marketing plan development section on WebMarketCentral continues to expand with the recent addition of a Guide to Web-Based B2B Lead Generation Programs. An overview of online B2B lead generation tactics, this page provides an overview of the most common types of Internet advertising and online B2B lead generation programs, including:
  • Search engine marketing

  • Advertising on Internet ad networks

  • White paper syndication

  • Email marketing

  • Webcasts and podcasts

The goal of all of these B2B lead generation activities is to make it easy for your prospects to find you when they are looking for a solution to a problem that your product or service provides, then guide them through the process from information-gathering to purchase. Research shows that 75-80% of B2B buyers and influencers use the Internet to find information about vendors rather than responding to outbound efforts.

Web-based lead generation programs supplement and complement offline efforts such as trade shows, direct mail and telemarketing. Online marketing is a key component of every B2B marketing and PR plan, but is particularly valuable for products and services that:
  • Typically involve a single decision maker or small team;

  • Are tactical rather than strategic purchases; and

  • Are relatively inexpensive.

This new section expands on existing guides to SEO, blogging and interactive PR.


Contact Tom Pick: tomATwebmarketcentralDOTcom

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