mercredi 26 novembre 2008

What Aaron Goldman is Thankful For

Aaron Goldman over at MediaPost just posted his 10 Reasons Search Marketers Should Be Thankful. In terms of the research, the links, and the thought put in behind it, this is an outstanding post.

Search may not be recession-proof—links to a post Aaron wrote about a month ago where he provides research demonstrating how and why search marketing will remain strong through this downturn.

Google's free keyword tool and Insights for Search tool—the keyword tool is hardly new, but has been upgraded, and is much more robust than it used to be. And Insights is just a lot of fun.

Google Analytics is enterprise-ready—a recent post from Jeff Campbell that delves into the latest enhancements added to Analytics and why these make it now competitive with top-shelf analytics packages.

New Study Reveals Untapped Billions In Search Marketing—some interesting research here on the growth potential for paid search. However, "hold-outs from the paid search Stone Age" seems a rather harsh way to refer to the large number of search marketers who still use Excel, which works just fine for the vast majority of companies, those that spend less than $50K per month on paid search.

I'm thankful for my clients, my readers, and endless opportunities to continue learning in the constantly changing world of search marketing.


Contact Tom Pick: tomATwebmarketcentralDOTcom

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