mardi 12 janvier 2010

Goodbye WebMarketCentral; Hello Webbiquity!

Webbiquity logoAfter four and a half years and 440 posts, this will be the final entry on the WebMarketCentral blog. But fear not loyal fans of this blog (yes, all three of you)—I will continue to write about b2b marketing, social media, SEO, interactive PR and whatever else pops into my mind at the new Webbiquity blog.

To those who've enjoyed and/or been enlightened by this blog, thank you for your support, and I'll hope you'll continue reading my new blog. For those who have followed WebMarketCentral in an RSS reader, here is the new feed:

For those subscribed to this blog by email: in order to avoid any risk of spamming, I will not be moving subscribers over automatically. You'll need to resubscribe on the new blog (but it's easier than on this one).

If you link to this blog (bless you!), please update your link to:

The Webbiquity Blog

I'd be most grateful.

Why the change?

When I first created this blog and the companion website at, having a separate blog and site seemed to make sense strategically. Now it's just confusing. Also, the development platforms chosen—Blogger for this blog, FrontPage for the website—were solid picks in early 2005, but aren't the tools I would use, or recommend, today. WordPress is now a powerful and flexible enough platform to accomplish everything I was formerly trying to do with two separate web venues.

I'll continue to write on similar topics, but with more of a focus on using SEO, social media, content marketing and other techniques to maximize individual and organizational online presence, as well as taking advantage of increasing interactivity to make and expand connections with customers, prospects and industry influencers online.

Thanks again for reading WebMarketCentral, and I hope you'll follow me to the new blog. I look forward to your comments and feedback.


Contact Tom Pick: tomATwebmarketcentralDOTcom

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