mercredi 3 octobre 2007

An Online Presentation Tool for Sales Pros?

Online presentation tools such as WebEx and LiveMeeting are helpful for collaboration, and GoToWebinar or ON24 are great for webcasting, but these services generally aren't practical for the typical road warrior, bag-carrying sales rep. Now, Alan Hill of, a 20-year sales veteran, believes he has the answer—a set of software tools that enable sales people to deliver web-based presentations, customized on the fly to address the specific needs and interests of individual prospects.

The I Present to You! software provides an interesting set of capabilities that separate it from most online collaboration and webcasting tools:
  • There is no software or plug-in for the viewer to install; it's 100% browser-based.

  • Yet, like other online presentation tools, it enables you to demonstrate virtually any other third-party application from with the tool, as well as transfer control of the presentation to any other individual.

  • It lets you create a personalized microsite portal for each prospect; the prospect simply enters their name, and then views virtually anything you'd like to show them: web pages, personalized content, etc. developed using the web tool of your choice.

  • I Present to You! is a lightweight application that lets sales people present while on the road; as long as the content is built, the salesperson can control exactly what the prospect sees.

  • Need to bring in a third-party expert on a presentation, such as one of your product developers or consultants? This package lets you send a text message (in the background, without the prospect seeing) to alert another individual to join you on the call. There's no need to put the prospect "on hold" while bringing in another person.

  • You can grab information from any web page and insert it into a presentation in real time (again, transparently to your prospect).

  • You can also add a link to any web page in real time, and open the page in a separate window so your presentation doesn't disappear.

  • The software includes a built-in calendar for real time appointment setting, integrates with Microsoft Outlook for exchanging email addresses, and has internal instant messaging features.

So, is I Present to You! the right presentation tool for your sales team? Maybe.

  • Feature-rich (see above) and lightweight, requiring no special software on the viewer's side.

  • Very reasonably priced. Unlike most online collaboration or webcasting tools, which are priced on a monthly subscription basis, I Present to You! is a software package you buy once.

  • Not entirely intuitive. It will likely take some training and practice to use, especially for someone who wants to take advantage of all or most of the features provided.

  • The demo I viewed, much like the I Present to You! website, was very simplistic. I presume that the software can be used to deliver more graphically-rich presentations, but this requires the use of separate third-party web tools.

All in all, the package looks interesting, and the price is extremely reasonable. There are other ways to do any of the individual tasks this software performs, but I know of no other package that brings all of these capabilities together. If you're a sales pro in the trenches looking for a presentation tool designed for one-to-one prospect communication rather than webinar delivery, I Present to You! is worth checking out.


Contact Tom Pick: tomATwebmarketcentralDOTcom

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