vendredi 16 mai 2008

Are Americans Social-Media-Lazy?

In the latest installment of Outside the Inbox, Jared Reitzin of mobileStorm reviews some recent research studies and asks, when it comes to participation in social media (blogging, uploading videos to YouTube, etc.)—are Americans lazier than web users in other countries, or just busier?

Jared mixes good humor, bad music and questionable statistics with his unique ability to offend about half of the planet's population. Check it out.

As for Jared's take regarding American Idol and the U.S. election system, two comments:
  • Given that our choices for president this year have come down to three candidates battling each other to display their utter cluelessness in science, economics and history—among other subjects—maybe we should let 14-year-olds dictate how we vote. What, like they could do worse?

  • Sanjiya—creepy. But in case you've forgotten it from season 6, here is the best American Idol video EVER:

Relax, it's Friday. :-)


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