vendredi 19 décembre 2008

7 More Things Few People Know About Me (and even fewer care)

Paul Jahn over at the LocalMN Blog has tagged me, along with a few other people I need to get to know, in the spirit of the holidays, to write seven things that most people don't know about me. So here goes:

1. I've coached youth sports for six years—four years of baseball, two of soccer. I s*ck as a soccer coach, but the kids had fun which is all that matters.

2. I was an engineer for five years before I went back to the U of M, got my MBA and moved over to marketing. This proves that both sides of brain work (or at least that they are equally dysfunctional).

3. My original career aspiration, however, was to be a rock star. When I realized that would actually require musical talent, I decided getting a tech degree sounded good. Plus, I didn't really have the hair for it.

4. Speaking of musical talent, I'm a fan of Chris Sligh. I think this was the single best performance ever on American Idol (at least priot to last season):

5. I firmly believe in the miracle of Easter because I had my own this year: after 30 years of smoking and 14 failed attempts to quit, I finally kicked the habit for good last April. Proving that ANYTHING is possible.

6. I'm running low on new material here as I don't want to duplicate anything from the 8 random things I wrote in August 0f 2007.

7. Or the 5 things you didn't know about me from December 2006.

That's it! So now I'm tagging Minnesota bloggers Brian Carroll at the B2B Lead Generation Blog, Jill Konrath at Selling to Big Companies, Jay Lipe at Smart Marketing, and Albert Maruggi at Marketing Edge to play along.


Contact Tom Pick: tomATwebmarketcentralDOTcom

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