jeudi 19 mars 2009

Best of 2008: WordPress Tools and Tips

It may seem a little odd to see an article about the best WordPress-related posts on a Blogger blog, but for various reasons the WordPress platform inspires a sort of geeky passion that Google's blogging platform just doesn't. For example, I've never seen a post about "why your blog shouldn't be on WordPress"—though Dharmesh Shah vilified with such a piece.

So, to help educate WordPress newbies and more experienced hands alike, here are a sampling of the best articles and posts written about WordPress tactics and tools in the last year.

7 Tips When Using WordPress As CMS by Rubiqube

Blogger Adrian Diaconescu follows up on his earlier WordPress CMS tutorial with this list of helpful tips for SEO, navigation and design.

11 Top WordPress Plugins Every Blog Should Have by Yoast tweaking websites

Internet strategist Joost de Valk details some of his favorite plugins for functions like feed management (FeedBurner), rearranging pages (pageMash) and internal search (Search Excerpt). Unfortunately, Lighter Menus (a slick tool Joost recommends for creating drop-down menus) doesn't work with WP 2.7. Bummer.

Delicious Count WordPress Plugin … for Tracking and Improving Blog Post Quality! by Search Engine People

Jeff Quipp reviews the DeliciousCount WordPress Plugin, which tracks the number of Delicious saves of each of your blog posts to help you (theoretically) improve the quality of your posts over time.

9 WordPress Plugins You Need by Search Engine Journal

Yet another post on WP plugins, but Jonathan Dingman has compiled a short list of some of the best here, including SEO Slugs for optimizing post title tags; MobilePress for “mobile-izing” your site to work with the iPhone, Blackberry, or other mobile devices; and Subscribe to Comments for letting your readers do just what the name suggests.

10 Things You Need To Know About WordPress 2.7 by Technosailor

Noting that the WordPress 2.7 release is "a semantically, aesthetically and structurally different WordPress than you’ve ever known before. This is not your grandma’s WordPress!," Aaron Brazell details the most significant features of the new version, including navigation (vertical menus), the dashboard, and media and plugin management, among others.

Previous posts in this series:

Best of 2008: SEO Guidance, Part 1
Best of 2008: Interactive PR, Part 1
Best of 2008: SEO Tools, Part 1
Best of 2008: Search Engine Marketing
Best of 2008: Web Analytics
Best of 2008: Email Marketing Tips
Best of 2008: SEO Keyword Tips & Tools
Best of 2008: Sales & Marketing Copywriting
Best of 2008: SEO Link Building
Best of 2008: Website Design


Contact Tom Pick: tomATwebmarketcentralDOTcom

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